The season began well with plentiful hungry fish in October 2018. Angus from Australia was here early season. He managed to hook and land many fish however it was immediately apparent the trout were not in great shape.
This may have been due to several floods we had had during the winter and as a consequence, a depleted food source.
SUMMER 2018/19
The biggest fish of the season was a nine and a quarter brown trout landed by Ralph in December. Ralph and I were fishing in an area where rivers are not as badly effected by big floods so perhaps these fish had an easier ride during the winter months. The sun was out a lot in December – the temperatures were low but we enjoyed great weather for fishing.
I think the 2019 season may have been the bottom of the cycle in terms of mast years and mice prevalence. There had been many years of big fish and that time seemed to be over. However during the spring of 2018 we were excited to witness a profusion of beech flowers. The bush was awash with red – and we knew that next year there would be seed and mice!
Late in the season it was clear that trout were in much better condition. On one day we came across a mayfly spinner fall in a river eddy – a rare sight.